Thursday, September 29, 2011

The Spark of Life

The Spark of Life, a painting immortalized by Michelangelo Buonarroti, resides in the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican City of Italy. Michelangelo was a Renaissance artist who is famous for his work in 1508 in the Sistine Chapel. Pope Julius II commissioned Michelangelo to decorate the ceiling of the chapel with the twelve apostles. Michelangelo originally thought of himself as only a sculptor and a job for painting was considered nearly a demotion in his art. However, he took the job and was successful in displaying the apostles and the story of Genesis on the ceiling of the chapel. Michelangelo used a fresco style of painting (pigment upon wet plaster) to depict over 300 characters. One of the most famous of his fresco works is the Spark of Life. This image shows god giving Adam life, or the creation of the first human. I like to believe that Michelangelo designed this portion of his work as the hand of god and the hand of Adam meeting because many during the age believed the touch of god to be a blessing, and perhaps Michelangelo thought that god should have a part in everyone's life. Michelangelo's art does not change the message of the story except that it makes it a little more personal and seems like it should bring god a little closer to people other than just in prayer.

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