Monday, October 24, 2011


The idea of vampires has been around forever, but just recently, they have become a new craze. Before this craze, I had always been intrigued by the idea of a blood sucking vampire. The first time I realized my fascination with vampires was when I saw the Disney movie, Mom's Got A Date With A Vampire. Although is had a fun, child-ish approach to it ;such as, the man turning into a bat, nothing harmless, I was scared. Although the vampire never hurt the mother, the word vampire scared me, since it is a automatic image of someone biting someone else's neck. The image of a person sucking another person's blood is creepy! Now, there are many different vampires, not just blood sucking, mean ones.

There are sparking ones; Twilight, some can stand in the sun if they acquire a special ring; Vampire Diaries, and even ones that cry blood; True Blood, just to name a few.

Vampires bring a sense of mystery, which brings fear to me since being a Scorpio, I am mysterious myself. I am scared because their mysterious ways can be harmful on innocents, not like the mystery I have, which is harmless. They are extremely fast, quite, and bite!! They bring anxiety to my culture because although many do not admit it, they are afraid of the dark. Most common vampires can only lurk during the night, for their personal fear, hindrance of the sun burning their skin. Ergo, people are afraid of vampires even more since they can only be outside during the night, everyone's inner fear.
Vampires are scary, but also are tortured. They live forever and never have a companion they can spend the rest of their lives with, since their lives never end. They see everyone they love grow old and die, which is an endless, depressing cycle. To me, the tortured look is kind of sexy and makes me gain a sense of sadness for them. Also, they cannot help their cravings of blood. Most movies or TV shows have vampires, which never chose to be a blood sucking villain. Their evil ways do not scare me anymore, since I have been open to the hardships they endure, not just their blood sucking ways. In addition to realizing their hardships, their sad, puppy dog-esque eyes break my heart, and I believe if I ever encountered one I would do whatever I could to help them. If a vampire asked me in a sexy, trouble voice "can I suck your blood? I'm starving." I would most likely say "yes, just enough to help you." A vampire dying for a little bit of your blood to survive. What would you do in this situation? Say yes, willingly, or just make them kill you for your blood?

1 comment:

  1. Although I am not one for believing astrological signs, I do think vampires possess a sense of mystery because 1. they are essentially immortal, and somehow always adults and 2. you never know exactly what form they may be in because they can transfigure into typically a bat. I do like that you incorporated the comical vampire movie, because as a child that was my only relief knowing that they weren't perpetually terrifying. It took me a long time to feel comfortable sleeping without something covering my neck though.
