Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Christ Trumps Evil

In Stoker’s novel, the author uses Christian allusions to present the underlying message that there is evidence of God in all things. For example, a frenzied Mina says “...We must keep on trusting, and God will aid us up to the end. (Chapter 22)” As long as men have faith and place trust in God he will deliver them guidance and provide change. No matter what evils wait at our doorstep, whether that evil is the demonic Count himself, God will aid us in surviving the darkness. Faith in him will restore order to our lives.

In addition to the Christian allusions portrayed in the novel, Stoker introduces the uses of Christian imagery as well. In the first chapter of the novel, the common people clutch their rosaries, a beaded necklace consisting of a set of prayers, in order to protect them from evil. Stoker also symbolizes the power of Christ with the crucifix, which is defined as representing “Jesus Christ’s ability to battle with and force out evil.” For example, Van Helsing held up the crucifix to protect Arthur from the devilish Lucy who beckoned him in the churchyard.


  1. I agree. Mina is the epitome of good and pious she demonstrates this throughout the text as you have pointed out. I feel like she could be representative of Eve and Dracula being the snake in the garden.

  2. I love this quote that you picked for your blog. This quote really embodies Bram Stoker's emphasis on the purity and faith of Mina. I also liked how you went beyond the quote and touched on some of the imagery used throughout the book.
