Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Quest story

Journey and quest stories have become wildly popular because they allow for people to use their imaginations. When people or characters are taken outside of their element the reader gets to see what lies deep down in the heart of the character. This intrigues people because often time’s people spend their whole lives without ever knowing what they are made of and to what limit they can be pushed. Typical elements of journey stories often include a longing for home or just the opposite, a desire to stay away. There are often trials faced by the main character that he or she could not have imagined. One of my favorite quest stories is the Lord of The Rings. What makes this story a quest story is that it is built around the goal to return the ring. A less obvious example of a quest story is the story, A Beautiful Mind. The main character is taken out of his element and into a new world. He struggles with finding a place in just one world. Eventually he conquers his scitsofrenia efficiently ending his quest for sanity. Quest stories are so intriguing because they go above and beyond a normal story.

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